

Health for Life Acupuncture Irlen Syndrome Eye Health Massage Therapy Skincare Holistic Alternative Health Micro-Acupuncture Herbal Medicine

Insurance companies are now beginning to cover Acupuncture for Pain.  

For your convenience, we have included the Insurance Billable codes next to the appointment description.  Contact your insurance agent to determine if they will reimburse you for these billable codes.

Free Consultation 

Wondering whether acupuncture can help you? Setup a free 30-minute consultation and have all your questions answered.

Pain Relief-Care Acupuncture Appointment, New Patient (99201-25, 97810)

1 Hour @ $89 

comprehensive Health Exam Office Visit, New Patient (99203)

For Multiple Acute & Chronic health conditions

1.5 Hour @ $190

Acupuncture Appointment, established patient (97810, 97811)

1 hour @ $85.00 

Micro Acupuncture for Eye Conditions

Details for this procedure are discussed during the phone conversation once the physician knows more about the patient's eye condition

Auricular (ear) Acupuncture, Gold Needles (97810)


$99 for 3 sessions

Office visit, established Patients

10 minutes @$25 (99211)

20 minutes @$45 (99212)

Re-evaluation of treatment plan @$75 (99213)

Prolotherapy (20610 )

$75 to $300

Neural Therapy (20526)

$12/ml in addition to an office visit fee